Meet the artist

Chill Will was born on September 5th, 1990 in Nashville, TN where he was raised. His parents separated when he was about 8 years old and it caused disruptions in his life as he knew it. He acted out in school as a way to cope and he liked the attention it gave him. He eventually found his first form of art at the local skate park, graffiti art. He began drawing whenever he could and eventually he started spray painting. His first passion landed him into trouble on a few occasions due to vandalism. He strayed away from graffiti and fell into the grips of active addition in his early 20’s. He sought help at the age of 24 and got clean. He picked up painting on canvas as a outlet with the motivation from his father Joseph Love and brother Dough Joe. He progressed and quickly made an impact in the local electronic music scene by hosting free Paint Circle events and curating other visual artist. He has stayed true to his first love graffiti and continues to do commissioned murals throughout Tennessee. His style of art on canvas captures an array of vibrant colors using mainly oils broadcasted in a psychedelic-visionary flow with meticulous line work. He currently resides in Nashville with his family along with his studio.

  • Alcatraz East Crime Museum

    3rd place winner at Alcatraz East Crime Museum graffiti contest in 2018, 2019, and most recently 2021. “Alvin Karpis” is currently on display at the museum in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

  • Bonnaroo

    Landed a mural at Bonnaroo Music and Arts festival June 2019 in Manchester, Tennessee.

  • Community

    Art by Chill Will is heavily involved with the community through hosting free Paint Circle events since May 2018.